Copyright Protection Empowers Traditional Chinese Culture in the New Era of Dissemination
Fine traditional Chinese culture represents a profound aspiration of the Chinese nation and provides a rich source of strength for its lasting development. General Secretary Xi Jinping made important instructions on the work of public communication and culture, by urging continued efforts to carry on China’s cultural tradition through creative transformation and innovative development, and beefing up the prosperity and development of cultural undertakings and industries.
Copyright protection plays a pivotal role in entrepreneurship and innovation in the cultural industry. As a key component of intellectual property, copyright encompasses intellectual achievements in literature, art, and science. It carries both cultural and innovative attributes, making it indispensable for preserving, developing and passing down cultural heritage. During the Ninth Nishan Forum on World Civilizations, experts, scholars, and industry professionals from the fields of copyright, publishing, and folk literature and art gathered at the parallel forum themed “Copyright Empowering the Creative Transformation and Development of Fine Traditional Chinese Culture”. In an effort to adapt to the demands of the new era, the forum focused on effective ways to leverage the value of copyright to preserve and enhance traditional Chinese culture through innovative commercialization and multi-dimensional protection.
Culture and copyright are inseparable. As foundational and strategic assets, copyright resources serve as a driving force for the development of cultural industry and dissemination of information. In the creative transformation and innovative development of traditional Chinese culture, it is crucial to address copyright issues, in particular, not to appropriate or misuse our cultural heritage. Meanwhile, whilst preserving traditional Chinese culture, we must encourage the creation of new and improved works. Government agencies and relevant social organizations should provide guidance and support to inheritors of intangible cultural heritage to help them generate values from these cultural assets, through means like registering for copyright protection, showcasing and promoting their works.
Against the backdrop of creative transformation and innovative development of Chinese culture heritage, it is vital to balance respect for its roots with a spirit of innovation. In the digital era, technologies such as artificial intelligence and blockchain should be harnessed as a powerful tool. Moreover, copyright protection must be thoroughly implemented to benefit both copyright holders and users.
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